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Command line flags

Command line (CLI) flags immediately follow dbt and precede your subcommand. When set, CLI flags override environment variables and profile configs.

Use this non-boolean config structure, replacing <THIS-CONFIG> with the config you are enabling or disabling, <SETTING> with the new setting for the config, and <SUBCOMMAND> with the command this config applies to:

CLI flags


Non-boolean config examples:

CLI flags

dbt --printer-width=80 run
dbt --indirect-selection=eager test

To turn on boolean configs, you would use the --<THIS-CONFIG> CLI flag, and a --no-<THIS-CONFIG> CLI flag to turn off boolean configs, replacing <THIS-CONFIG> with the config you are enabling or disabling and <SUBCOMMAND> with the command this config applies to.

Boolean config structure:

CLI flags

Boolean config example:

CLI flags

dbt --version-check run
dbt --no-version-check run